Member-only story
How To Kill a Hydra
Fixing the Worst Mistake the Software World has Ever Made
JavaScript is an abomination. A language developed in a hurry over two weeks to facilitate web page dynamic programming has taken over the world, spiraling out of control. It has since infested server-side backends with implementations such as Node.Js, wildly outgrowing its original purpose.
The success of JavaScript cannot be understood out of its generational context. It is the language of the millennials. A generation of young programmers who want everything to be easy, who expect instant gratification and the hell with the consequences, has met a language who promises (pun intended) just that.
Why bother with design, good architecture, and strong typing when we can punch a piece of code that sort of works in an hour, and find out all the nasty bugs much later in production. After all, production is a year away and we’ll most probably work for some other company by then.
It’s not that dynamic languages are bad, not at all (e.g. Python is a great language for Data Science), it’s that some of them are badly used, and JavaScript has been the worst of them all.
When you implement a web application with JS on the front-end, it makes perfect sense to use Node.Js as your backend. It is simply the right thing to do…